All About Jacob
Humble and Kind ...
A large purpose of the Jacob Roger Poulin Foundation is to share with the world the wonderful, precious child that Jacob was. This section is devoted to telling people more about that humble and kind little boy.
In the beginning ...

Jacob Roger Poulin was born at 8:53pm on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011. He was 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 and inches tall. The Montreal Canadien's lost game seven of the Eastern Conference Quarter-Finals to the Boston Bruins in overtime that night, and yet, somehow, all was right with the world. Jacob was the first-born child of Steve and Sarah Poulin. Like any new parents, they fell in love instantly with their perfect little bundle of joy, despite being shocked that in a few short days, they would be bringing their new precious cargo home.
It wasn't long before Jacob was showing his God-given athletic talent, rolling over at five days old, batting at everything with a hockey stick as soon as he could hold one, and boldly walking at nine and a half months old. Using his knee hockey stick as a teether, at six months old Jacob was living the mantra, "Eat, Sleep, Play Hockey." Everyone knew there was something special about this boy.

It wasn't until right around Jacob's first birthday that his hair began to curl up like a halo around his angelic face. Shortly after that, everyone always remarked at how beautiful his hair was and how sweet and fun his demeanor was. Jacob would walk into a room and casually "bee-bop" around, not worried about anything, ever. Jacob loved trucks, puppies, and sports. Jacob was a natural at everything he endeavored.

Towards the end of 2013, when Jacob was almost two and a half years old, he ran "Jacob's Jog," a .8 mile run for kids in South Windsor, CT. Jacob literally ran the entire race. Although Jacob's first time on the ice was when he was only 18 months old, he was still able to wear the same skates that Papa got him when he was in his mom's belly, five months along. Jacob started the Teaching Young Kids the Essentials of Skating (TYKES) at UCONN in the fall of 2013. Sometimes it took throwing M&Ms on the ice to motivate him, but eventually we couldn't keep him off the ice. His mom was able to skate with him and both parents would bring Jacob to open ice times around the area.

Jacob spent his 2014 sophomore season at South Windsor Arena in their In-House Hockey program. Coaching Jacob at three years old, his father Steve got to spend a lot of time with Jacob on the ice. Jacob loved being out there with his daddy, and he loved playing hockey, ... and he loved playing tag. Jacob would come home and do stick handling drills around the house and would take shots in the driveway. A driven player, he was motivated by the love of the game; Jacob was destined for greatness.
How Jacob Got To Play For A Real Hockey Team
In early March of 2015, Steve mentioned to Sarah that the Northeast Ice Dogs were having assessments for Mites. Sarah reminded Steve that Jacob was only three years old. Steve suggested that Jacob *probably* wouldn't make it anyway, but it would be good practice for the following year. Sarah reminded Steve that Jacob was only three years old. Steve explained that Jacob would be four when the season started. Sarah asked Steve how old Mites typically are and Steve said 5-8, to which Sarah reminded Steve that Jacob was still only three years old. Sarah asked how far the Mites travel. Steve said Newington was the furthest the past season (a little more than a half hour away). Sarah eventually agreed to let Jacob assess, and somewhat shockingly but completely naturally, Jacob made the team.
And during his first season on a real hockey team, Jacob was traveling to Danbury ... almost an hour and a half away.

A Star is Born
Jacob played hockey almost every moment of every day. Before school, at school, after school, ... in the basement, in the living room, in the hallways, in the driveway, and of course, on the ice - at the rink and in the backyard! His father was so proud and happy to have a little buddy that shared his love of he sport.
Below is a video of Jacob's first game on the big ice. Little did we know that it would be his last. He was just three years old playing against kids almost three times his age! If you watch the clip from 3:53 on, you'll see Jacob's first and only post-game interview.
More About Jacob Coming Soon ....
Slideshow of Jacob
Videos of Jacob
Please Share With Us ...
The idea that people will forget Jacob is heartbreaking for Jacob's mom. In this section, we want to share stories and memories of Jacob. Some of these stories may have been told many times over, some may be newly recalled; all are told with love and in memory of such a wonderful little boy, gone too soon.
Some people were not fortunate enough to meet Jacob, so please take a moment and tell us a story or memory you have of Jacob, or how knowing him has changed you, or that you've been thinking about and missing Jacob; whatever you feel like sharing. Once reviewed, your thoughts will be posted below (anonymously if you choose), so that others may enjoy your memories of Jacob, too. Please feel free to share as many memories as you'd like.

As Jacob's Papa, I had the great life fortune to witness what an extraordinary human being is. I know it sounds biased but I assure you he was beautiful and kind in every way. Not a day goes by that I don't feel his exceptional loss. It's fitting that he has touched so many people.
Kevin K., Jacob's Papa
July 17, 2017; Prospect, CT

Jacob was in Tyler's preschool class and they quickly became good buddies. They had similar personalities. Jacob was kind and a good friend. They talked about racing each other when Jacob got to kindergarten , since Tyler is a year old than Jacob. Tyler talks about the day when that can happen. Tyler calls Jacob one of his guardian angels and thinks about him often. Gabriella is a friend to Sammy now and we are blessed to have the Poulin's in our lives. How lucky are we to have had a chance to know Jacob and his sweet, kind heart. We miss him terribly and keep the Poulin family in our hearts and minds! 💙
Stephanie M.
July 9, 2017; Ellington, CT

Playground King
Jacob was King of the Playground at Center School. At age 3 he was already able to go across the monkey bars independently. Gabriella is apparently following in his footsteps!!
Carol C.
July 9, 2017; Ellington, CT

Preschool Friends
I was fortunate enough to be Jacob's preschool teacher for almost two years. He was the most kind, thoughtful, considerate and well-mannered little boy that I've ever taught in my 29 years of teaching. All of Jacob's friends enjoyed playing with him, especially when it came to building things. Jacob was very creative in his building things and was always so proud of his creations. At such a young age, Jacob held doors open for his friends, gave up toys he was playing with in order to make another friend happy, and said please and thank you constantly. One time when I told Jacob it was time to come over to the work table for his 1:1 time with the teacher, he responded, "No thank you". Of course he came over when told it was a "have-to". His parents should be so proud, and I know they are, to have raised such a little gentleman. I miss Jacob so much and think about him everyday. ♥️♥️
Carol C.
July 9, 2017; Ellington, CT

Jacob, mommy misses you so much. Everyone does. Even people that never met you, miss you. We see you in everything; we see you in everything your sisters do. Gabriella wants to do everything like you did; she plays hockey especially when she's missing you, she takes care of Hannah on the playground like you took care of Gaba, she even wears your clothes to feel closer to you. She begs for you to come back on a regular basis. Hannah sees your pictures and says your name; she says she misses you too, because she hears Gabriella say it so often. Obviously, not through her own effort, she looks so much like you, too; her hair, the way she moves, even the tone of her voice and how she says words and phrases; you are everywhere, and yet no where. We miss you so much.
Sarah P., Jacob's Mom
June 18, 2017; Ellington, CT